SERMON WRITING (1) See Page 2 thru 8 also

SERMON WRITING (1) See Page 2 thru 8 also

Thanks to you for visiting this site. We seek to inform speakers, preachers and teachers of simple, yet thoroughly formed, outlines and manuscripts.

Of course, one of the more frequently used and appreciated organizational *pattern is the Question/Answer Pattern.

By asking appropriate questions of a topic in mind, we may provide distinct answers which will instruct the audience efficiently. (e.g. Faith is our topic. Major Point: I. What is faith? Major Point: II. Why is faith important in our lives? Major Point: III. How is faith acquired in our heart?)

By developing these three major points by supporting biblical passages, we can give supporting answers to each major question. The sermon, or speech, can be lengthened by adding three things: Definitions (in the key places of the
sermon/speech), Illustrations (using easily understood yet
full analogies) and Examples (using biblical characters/texts, and/or people, places and events of
history). The more you D.I.E. in the presentation, the
more easily understood your sermon/speech will be.

Yes, this pattern is simple and thorough. Remember–ask appropriate questions of topics:
Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, Is, Are, Should, Could, etc.?????????

(*I am so grateful for a couple of professors, Dr. Eric G. Stephens and Dr. C. Trent Busch, of Delta State, 1966-68. They taught me so many valuable ideas about speech-making. Dr. Stephens called outlines, ‘patterns’. The search for organizational schemes has been a lifetime of enjoyment for me since those days. Now, over thirty years later, the *patterns still fill out the basic three outline styles I was taught at Freed-Hardeman: Textual, Topical and Expository. Believe me, you can spread out these styles into many useful *patterns. Thanks again to Professors, Stephens and Busch.)