Youth Training (3)

Youth Training (3)

Please read 1 Timothy 4:12. In what areas is the Christian young person to leave a lasting
impression for Christ Jesus? (There are six areas named). In addition, provide the definition of
each of these areas :_1.____________________2.____
________________6.________. Examples are wonderful tools for teaching. The examples listed in Acts of the Apostles, chapters 2, 8, 9, 16, 18, 19 and 22 are detailed examples of conversions to Jesus. Please read these examples. There are many things which you commonly hear about salvation which ARE NOT found in these examples (praying through, the sinner’s prayer, asking the Lord into your heart). You will not find these words or expressions. But, what you WILL FIND are the responses to the Gospel teaching. Let me know what you read. We seek to be objective in our studies, and especially with the examples of conversion. You are finishing three basic lessons of personal development in the *Training School For Better Service* (Place remarks in our guestbook, please.)